The Greek Organization for Employment, OAED, now named DYPA (ΔΥΠΑ), issues unemployment cards to fully registered asylum-seekers and recognized refugees in Greece.
Who can get an unemployment card
You can get an unemployment card if you are:
- A fully registered asylum-seeker, the beneficiary of Temporary Protection, a recognized refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection
- 15 to 74 years old
- Unemployed and actively seeking a job
- Registered at DYPA's (OAED) registry as unemployed (See how to register below).
- Not a student of any kind
If you meet those criteria, go to your nearest DYPA (OAED) office and bring:
- Your Registration card, Residence Permit or a Temporary Protection Card
- A copy of your tax number or AFM
- A copy of your social security number or AMKA
- Proof of address (House Contract or Homeless Certificate)
Registration to DYPA (OAED) is online through e-Services. Access to the e-Services can be done with your TAXISnet codes without going to DYPA (OAED) Offices in person.
If you have already been registered to OAED in the past, by using your TAXISnet codes and AMKA, you will be verified to the DYPA (OAED) system. You must fill in a form with your personal information if you have never been registered.
Here you can find the link to start the registration (click on the "ΕΙΣΟΔΟΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΗ ΣΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ"). To complete the registration, you should have the required documents to fill in your personal information. Unfortunately, the whole DYPA (OAED) site and the procedure are only Greek. So you will need someone that reads Greek to assist you.
What the unemployment card offers
An unemployment card gives you access to the following:
- Free public transportation in cities
- Free access to museums and cultural centers
- Vocational training (in Greek)
- Other benefits include Social Solidarity Income payments and financial support to help you rent a house or pay utility bills if you meet special requirements, which are different for each benefit. It would be best to ask at the nearest DYPA (OAED) office.
What happens after you get your unemployment card
DYPA (OAED) officers will give you access codes (a key number called “klidarithmos” in Greek) to sign up on this online platform and validate the card.
You need to access this platform every time you want to:
- Renew your card (You should do so every three months and at least 5 working days before your card expires.)
- Get a monthly certificate showing that your card is valid (You will need this certificate to get free transportation.)
You will need to carry your unemployment card and certificate for the current month any time you use public transportation.
Renewal of unemployment card (OAED)
You can renew your unemployment card only in the following ways:
- Online, using TAXISnet codes, via the Digital Portal of the Public Administration
- Online on the DIPA eServices
- Via the mobile application of myDYPAapp
- through the Citizen Service Centers (KEP). Check the Refugee.Info service map to find one close to you.
Renewal in Citizen Service Centers (KEP)
For the renewal of the unemployment card through KEP as well as for the issuance of all certificates of the subsidized or unemployed, you need to go in person, and you must have the following:
- You should have the DYPA (OAED) codes.
- Your unemployment card.
- A copy of your tax number or AFM
- A copy of your social security number (AMKA)
- Your Registration Card or your Residence Permit
- Proof of identity (card, passport, driver's license)
Visit KEP offices only with an appointment.
Renewal of OAED unemployment card online
- Click the link to go to DIPA (OAED) portal.
- Click on the icon (top right) with the face and the word "LOGIN".
- On the next page, click on 'User Login' on the right side (Είσοδος Χρήστη στο σύστημα).
Enter your OAED login details, i.e. "Username" (Ονομασία χρήστη) and "Password" (Συνθηματικό) in the respective fields.
Click on "Sign in" (Είσοδος).
After logging in, find and click "Renew Now" (Ανανέωση τώρα) below the renewal time. If the option isn't there, maybe it's not time to renew, or you're too late to do it, and the deadline has passed.
- On the new page, check the "YES" (Ναι) box to indicate that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions listed.
Then click on the top right option "Renew the Unemployment Card" (Ανανέωση του Δελτίου Ανεργίας).
Click "OK" to confirm your action in the box that appears.
- A notification saying, "Your Unemployment Card renewal has been completed successfully. You can print your renewal receipt." (Η ανανέωση του Δελτίου Ανεργίας σας, ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία. Μπορείτε να εκτυπώσετε το αποδεικτικό ανανέωσης) will appear on your screen.
What if I don’t know any Greek?
Ask someone who knows Greek to help you use DYPA (OAED) platform for the first time.
Once you sign up, you get a username and a password. You can use it to sign in every time you have to renew your card and print your monthly certificate.
If you cannot do this on your own or don’t have access to a printer, officers at the nearest KEP (“ΚΕΠ,” in Greek), the Greek citizens service center, can help you. For KEP to assist you, you should have the DYPA (OAED) codes.
Visit on a weekday, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. (You don’t need an appointment.)
- Your unemployment card
- Your Full Registration card, Residence Permit or a Temporary Protection Card
- A copy of your tax number or AFM
- A copy of your social security number or AMKA