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Every third-country citizen or stateless person at the official country entry points or within Greek territory has the right to apply for international protection (asylum). Applying for asylum means that you request not to be deported because you are afraid that you will be persecuted because of your race, religion, nationality, participation in a particular social group, or political convictions or because you are in danger of suffering serious harm in your country of origin, or country of previous residence, in particular because you are in danger of facing death penalty, or execution, torture, or inhuman or degrading treatment, or because your life or physical integrity is in danger, due to international or civil conflict.

You may lodge your initial application before the competent authorities, which are the Reception and Identification Centres on the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos, as well as in Evros (Fylakio) for those entering from these points. If you do not lodge your application at the above points, you can alternatively apply at the Reception and Identification Centres in Malakasa and Diavata exclusively through the online e-appointment platform.


If you have close family members who legally reside in other European countries, you should mention that when you register your asylum application. Your request will be examined under the Family Reunification program. 


Types of Asylum

After a personal interview, the Asylum Service will decide whether your application will be accepted or rejected. In order to decide, the authorities will take into consideration your statements during your interview, the evidence that you may have submitted that proves your allegations and the available information on your country of origin. If your application is accepted, you will receive one of two kinds of international protection: Refugee status (full asylum) or Subsidiary protection. Whether you get refugee status or subsidiary protection, you usually cannot go to another European Union country and ask for asylum there. If you do, you may be returned to Greece. These two statuses give you different rights.

A) Refugee status (full asylum) Refugee status is for people who face persecution in their country of origin because of their:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Nationality
  • Membership in a particular social group
  • Political opinion

People who have refugee status get:

People with refugee status cannot Travel to their country of origin without the risk of losing their refugee status.

B) Subsidiary protection (partial asylum)

Subsidiary protection is for people who do not qualify for refugee status but face serious harm if they return to their country of origin. "Serious harm" is:

  • Death penalty or execution
  • Torture
  • Inhuman or degrading treatment
  • Serious and personal threat to a civilian's life or physical integrity due to indiscriminate use of force in international or domestic armed conflict situations.

People with subsidiary protection get:

  • Residence Permit that is valid for one year.
  • The right to apply for a Travel Document if they can't get a passport from their own country or national embassy in Greece.

People who get subsidiary protection cannot:

  • Bring family from their country of origin to Greece
  • People with subsidiary protection are not restricted from travelling to their home country but could risk losing their status in Greece if they go back, depending on their specific case.

Negative decision

If your application is rejected or you are granted subsidiary protection but consider that you should have been granted refugee status, you have the right to appeal your decision.


If your appeal is also rejected, you have the right to apply again for asylum by submitting a subsequent application, apart from filing an application for annulment of the decision before the court.


Renewals and replacements of documents

  • You must renew your asylum card every six months—or, in some cases, every month or every three months. The renewal periodicity will be mentioned on the asylum card.
  • Renew your subsidiary protection residence permit annually - the date indicated on the card.
  • Renew your refugee status residence permit every three years – the date is indicated on the card. Start six months before the application for the renewal of your residence permit and, in any case, no longer than 30 days before its expiration.
  • Keep your documents with you at all times. As an extra safety measure, please take photos of your documents and send them to someone you trust.


Withdrawal of refugee status

Withdrawal of refugee status is possible in certain cases, and authorities may revoke refugee or subsidiary status. Find more information regarding the specific circumstances that may lead to the revocation of your status and the procedural steps that must be followed.


Asylum Applications - Online Platforms

Find below a list of the most useful online platforms that you will need to use during the asylum process. 

As mentioned above, if f you haven’t lodged your asylum application at the Reception and Identifications Centers in the islands or in Evros, you can apply at the Reception and Identification Centres in Malakasa and Diavata exclusively by e-appointment via  The Online Platform for Asylum Applicant Registration Appointments for asylum seekers. This process is intended for citizens of third countries who wish to apply for international protection in Greece. 

Please note that this process does not apply to:

  • Citizens of third countries who have already submitted an asylum request.
  • Unaccompanied minors.
  • Criminal prisoners.

If it is the first time you have applied for asylum, you will click here: Initial application registration appointment.

If it is not your first application, it is considered a subsequent application, and you will click here: Subsequent application registration appointment.


Via the online platform of the Ministry of Asylum and Migration, you can also lodge other asylum applications:

All these applications can be submitted by the person themselves; therefore, it is not obligatory to hire a lawyer to submit them on their behalf. In practice, though, for various reasons, persons might need professional help to navigate the system, but it is not a prerequisite set by the law.

Regarding the registration of your initial or subsequent asylum application, it is advised to consult with a trusted lawyer or a legal NGO to better prepare for the registration process before the registration centre. Specifically, regarding subsequent applications, keep in mind that what you say during the registration will determine whether your application will be examined or not.

EU Programs

Public Services

Are you looking for public service information, including locations and contact details? Navigate to the Refugee.Info Service Map to access updated information for each service:

  • Passport offices
  • Asylum offices
  • DYPA offices
  • Reception and Identification Centers 
  • Migrant Integration Centers (KEMs)
  • Hospitals
  • Municipal Health Clinics (City of Athens)

Find all the necessary details to help you navigate these services efficiently.