Help for children victims of violence and missing children

The Smile of the Child

Help for children victims of violence and missing children logo
Last updated: 8/10/2023


Since its establishment and until today “The Smile of the Child” implements actions aimed at addressing in a holistic way the phenomena of any form of violence against children and missing children. 

This is achieved through a variety of services, extended to three main pillars of action: Prevention, Intervention and Therapy.

The services are provided free of charge to all children in Greece regardless of ethnicity and religion.

The Smile of the Child team provides:


  • Prevention and Awareness among Children, Teachers, Parents and Guardians

Recognizing the crucial role of prevention, “The Smile of the Child” organizes on a daily basis visits to schools nationwide where psychologists carry out on a daily basis interactive experiential workshops to students, parents, teachers and guardians. 

  • European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111

“The Smile of the Child” operates the European Helpline 116111 providing free of charge, 365 days a year and 24 hours a day counseling support to children and adolescents.


  • National Helpline for Children SOS 1056

“The Smile of the Child” operates the line 1056. A team of social workers, psychologists and sociologists, staff of the line, provides services free of charge, 365 days a year, 24 hours, receives anonymous and named reports for children, activates the mechanism of Direct Intervention and necessary procedures for the care of children who have been abused and are hospitalized. 1056 handles also requests for shelter for abused /neglected minors.

  •  Direct Intervention for children at immediate risk 

The direct intervention is carried out by specialized social workers and psychologists of the Organization and targets children victims of any form of violence. The primary goal is to ensure the safe transport of children accompanied by a social worker or Psychologist with vehicles of direct intervention of the Organization, to a safe environment. The second step is the cooperation with all the competent authorities in an effort to ensure an immediate solution for the child. 

  • Homes for Children victims of abuse

“The Smile of the Child” operates 11 Homes nationwide with the goal to protect children victims of any form of violence and provide them with a safe environment that ensures everything necessary for their physical, psychological, emotional and social development and wellbeing.

The main concern is to avoid the institutionalization of children and to ensure their normal re-integration into society. “The Smile of the Child” has raised many children and continues to raise many more with respect, dignity, discreteness and mainly with love and care.  

  • Daycare Homes for Children

“The Smile of the Child” carries out the “Daycare Homes” action with the goal to provide care to children whose families face serious problems in their functionality. These difficulties are due to social and financial problems or serious health problems of the parents.

  • Child advocacy Center for children victims of violence (Physical, Sexual & Psychological Abuse, Neglect, Bullying, Smuggling & Trafficking)

The House of the Child" is a Day Center for the Provision of Customized Mental Health Services to children and adolescents, victims of abuse, neglect, domestic violence, victimized minors, children involved in bullying incidents and children who have recently or in the past have been exposed to severe psycho-traumatic experiences and suffering resulting to mental health, adaptation or behavioral problems. “The House of the Child” is a specialized service, unique in Greece and innovative at the European and international levels, staffed by a multi-disciplinary scientific team upon the model and standards of the Child Advocacy Centers in the United States. 

  • European Hotline for Missing Children 116000

“The Smile of the Child” operates the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000, which provides free of charge support to missing children and their families. The line receives anonymous and named reports on cases of child disappearances (teen runaways, abduction, parental abduction, worrying disappearances) which forwards them to the competent authorities.

  • Amber Alert Hellas

Amber Alert Hellas is the National Coordinating Programme of timely and accurate notification to citizens on cases of missing /abducted minors.

  • Search and Rescue Team for Children “Thanasis Makris”

“The Smile of the Child” has developed “Thanasis Makris” Search and Rescue Team with the valuable contribution of volunteers. The aim of the team is to carry out search and rescue in urban or non-urban environment to trace children who are missing. 

Services are for children under 18 years old, regardless of legal status in Greece.

The Smile of the Child team provides medical care at your home or at the hospital, as well as telephone counseling.

Call or send an email for help

National Helpline for Children SOS

Call: 1056


European Hotline for Missing Children

Call: 116000


European Helpline for Children and Adolescents

Call: 116111

You can call the helplines at any time. They work 24/7.

The call is free from mobile phones and landlines.


All over Greece






