GCR Legal aid - Kos
Greek Council for Refugees - GCR
Legal assistance throughout the asylum procedure:
- Counseling and preparation for the 1st instance interview
- Legal representation in the 1st instance asylum proceedings
- Appeals: legal representation in the 2nd instance asylum proceedings
- Legal representation before the Administrative Court following 2nd instance rejection upon assessment
- Dublin III family reunification cases
- Legal support for vulnerable cases, such as survivors of torture, gender-based violence and human trafficking
- Legal support for children on their own without their parents (age assessment, guardianship, temporary care arrangements, access to civil rights, etc.)
- Legal assistance for detainees (information, objections against detention, asylum procedure)
- Access to civil and social rights and documentation, representation before civil courts, integration, access to services
- Legal representation in criminal cases (sexual and gender-based violence, human trafficking, domestic violence, child protection, etc.) upon assessment
Contact phone: 00306987093849