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The social service is addressed to people in precarious living conditions and people from other vulnerable groups. The services provided concern psychosocial support, integration services and health services. Support is provided for the issuance-renewal of documents, information on allowances/benefits to which they are entitled, information and collection of required supporting documents and scheduling of appointments with relevant services.
It resolves requests related to scheduling medical appointments, connecting or guiding regarding healthcare providers as well as finding free pharmaceutical supplies.
In collaboration with a labor specialist and an accountant, the social service has undertaken to cover basic requests concerning people of the Third Age, 60+. The specific action concerns pension, accounting and social requests.
The Social Service is located in the field, alongside the Mobile Unit.
No appointment is needed.
The Social Service People are referred to the organization’s social services through other services and organisations via a specific form that contains basic information about the interested party’s profile and their consent.
Languages spoken: The service is provided in Greek and English. In the event of a referral who does not speak Greek or English, the referral party is requested to provide an interpreter.
Koumoundourou Square [ΠΛΑΤΕΙΑ ΚΟΥΜΟΥΝΔΟΥΡΟΥ], Athens