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Online registration for the appointment is required.
On 15.11.2023, the authorization mechanism for registration in the E-Queue was updated.
To improve access to consular services, your security and fight against cyber fraud, registration in the MFA E-Cherga is subject to electronic identification of the visitor, using e-signatures (on file, cloud or other secure media), Diia.Signature and BankID of the NBU.
Electronic identification is provided through the ID.GOV.UA platform.
In order to book the appointment please CLICK HERE.
Find instructions for pre-registration here.
Citizens of Ukraine who have been forced to leave the territory of Ukraine due to the war and require urgent filing of documents, in particular:
If you need further information, you can contact at:
Phone number: 00302106856172 (from 09:00 to 13:00); 00302106800230
Hotline phone (Only in case of a life-threating situation or death of Ukrainian citizens): 00306932765606
E-mail: consult_gr@mfa.government
Stefanou Delta 2 [ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΥ ΔΕΛΤΑ 2], Filothei 15237