Red Umbrella Thessaloniki - Day Center for Sex Workers

Positive Voice

Red Umbrella Thessaloniki - Day Center for Sex Workers logo
Last updated: 6/5/2024


Red Umbrella Thessaloniki (RUTh) offers a wide range of services to adult sex workers and advocates for sex workers' rights. It is the only service provider addressing the needs and vulnerabilities of sex workers in Greece and operates a drop-in center, located in the center of Thessaloniki. The beneficiaries of the drop-in center have access to HIV, HBV and HCV rapid testing, peer-to-peer empowerment and psychosocial support services, legal support and referrals to other expert organizations, services and professionals. RUTh also develops harm reduction interventions and collaborates closely with our outreach teams (see Streetwork Project Thessaloniki).

The operation of RUTh is both community- and evidence-based, with the long-term goal to be led and operated solely by members of the community it serves. RUTh’s team has already core members who work or have worked in different areas of the sex industry, as well as people living with HIV/HCV/HBV, and/or people who use (or used) drugs.

All services provided are free of charge.

Languages supported: English, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Farsi, Urdu, Arabic.

Accessibility & Additional Information

  • How should an appointment be made: DROP IN
  • This service is closed on public holidays: YES
  • Is an appointment required: NO
  • Communicate in sign language: NO
  • The entrance to this location has a ramp: NO
  • This location has an elevator: NO
  • This location has female staff: YES
  • All Services Listed Are Free of Charge: YES


Egnatia 112, Thessaloniki (3rd floor)

Postal Code 54622

Opening Hours

16:00 - 20:00


Egnatia [ΕΓΝΑΤΙΑ] 112, Thessaloniki
