Women Services - For pregnant women and new moms

Because we carry

Women Services - For pregnant women and new moms logo
Last updated: 8/10/2023


Because We Carry is there for all pregnant women and mothers with newborn babies. We have several distributions and programs focusing on this group of women.

During your pregnancy we will be there for you with the following services

  • Every week we bring a bag full of groceries to the house of pregnant women and mothers of babies until the age of 1 year old.
  • When you register as pregnant at our trailer we make sure to bring you comfort package with essentials, such as maternity clothes, a hot water bottle and other comfortable items. 
  • We visit you in the hospital after you have given birth, to see how you are doing and to bring you a carry bag filled with basic baby items and clothes for the mother.
  • When you leave the hospital we make sure you get a taxi ride from the hospital to the place you need to go. We will give a taxi-card and more information at the hospital.
  • One week after you have given birth we will visit you to see how you are doing and bring you a follow up package with essentials for you and your baby.

Location : RIC Lesbos