Konstantopoulio General Hospital - Aghia Olga


Konstantopoulio General Hospital - Aghia Olga logo
Last updated: 2/9/2024


Hospitals in Athens work on rotational shifts to cover emergencies in the late afternoon and overnight (generally, 8 p.m. - 8 a.m.)

Click here to see which hospital's emergency room is on duty. This information is provided only in English.

To book an appointment at a hospital, please call 1535 or visit HERE where you have the possibility of booking online a morning or afternoon appointment with the hospitals contracted with the service (online booking platform is available only in Greek).


Agias Olgas 3-5, Nea Ionia

PC 142 33


Agias Olgas [ΑΓΙΑΣ ΟΛΓΑΣ] 3-5, Nea Ionia