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Preventive Medicine:
The Smile of the Child" in recognition of the enormous importance of prevention carries out a program of Preventive Medicine for all children nationwide giving emphasis on those children and families who live in remote areas, have no access to medical centers, run the risk of social exclusion and have no proper medical care and support due to financial and other difficulties. Support for children with increased medical needs (such as chronic illness, serious injuries, reduced mobility, or developmental abnormalities)
Support for children with increased medical needs (such as chronic illness, serious injuries, reduced mobility, or developmental abnormalities)
Over the course of time "The Smile of the Child" has been handling thousands of cases of children, who can not gain access to medical services, either because they belong to socially vulnerable groups or are not covered by any proper insurance
«The Smile of the Child» has a mobile medical intensive care units for newborns and children, so to be able to incur evacuations nationwide and occasionally abroad.
«The Smile of the Child», as part of the services provided to each child with health problem and its family, implements the Program Pediatric Home Treatment and provide medical and nursing care and physiotherapy
«The Smile of the Child», by the early years of its foundation, has always actively been next to any child that needs to be hospitalized for a long or a shorter period.
«The Smile of the Child» offers hospitality to families with children, who face serious health problems
«The Smile of the Child» with its specialized scientific team offers social and counseling support to children with health problems and their families.
Services are for children under 18 years old, regardless of legal status in Greece.
The Smile of the Child team provides medical care at your home or at the hospital, as well as telephone counseling.
Accessibility & Additional Information
Location :Thessaloniki
Address : Papakyriazi 3 str. Thessaloniki, 54645
Papakiriazi 3, Thessaloniki