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For all:
For women:
Under the project "Worldplaces-Workplaces Working with Migrant Women"
Please send your request/inquiry at k.kapnisi@g2red.org including your full name, telephone number, the language you speak, and your specific request or question.
Click here for a guide on finding a job and working in Greece (in English, Arabic and Farsi). The guide is available in Greek and French here.
Watch tutorials at these links (in English, with subtitles in English, Arabic or Farsi):
Click here for a searchable list of current job openings in humanitarian organizations and other fields throughout Greece (available in English and Greek).
Languages in which the service is offered: Greek, English, French.
Konstantinoupoleos Avenue 52, Athens (Keramikos Metro Station)
Postal Code 11854
2nd Floor
Konstantinoupoleos Avenue [ΛΕΩΦ. ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΕΩΣ] 52, Athens