If you have academic or other qualifications but no documents to prove it, l there is a program that may be useful for you.
The Council of Europe in collaboration with the Greek Ministry of Education, are running this program to support asylum seekers and refugees to better prove their qualification in European Union. Other partners in the project are the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, the Conference of University Rectors of Italy, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, the Government of Flanders - Belgium and National qualification recognition centres in Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway and the UK. The UNHCR also supports the project.
Find out more about the document and how to get one below.
What is the European Qualifications Passport?
The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees is a document that provides an assessment of the highest achieved education qualifications based on available documentation and a structured interview.
This document is not a formal recognition act, but it summarizes and presents available information on the applicant’s educational level, work experience and language proficiency. As a result, the document provides reliable information that will promote the integration and development towards employment and, hopefully, admission to further studies. It is a specially developed assessment scheme for refugees, even those who cannot fully prove their qualifications with official documents.
What the EQPR is not?
The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees is not :
- a formal recognition/ statement/ decision
- a substitute for the identification or educational documentation;
- a substitute for regular recognition statements/authorization issued by the national recognition authorities;
- an automatic system that guarantees admission to studies or employment.
Can I use this European Qualifications Passport for Refugees in other countries?
Yes. The idea is that this information should be accepted and easily interpreted in any European country. This document should be accepted throughout Europe as a “reliable statement” about your academic qualifications.
Can I use this European Qualifications Passport for Refugees in other countries?
Yes. The idea is that this information should be accepted and easily interpreted in any European country. This document should be accepted throughout Europe as a “reliable statement” about your academic qualifications.
How do I apply?
Applications can be made online using this link for the EQPR web platform
Then follow the steps below:
- Click on ‘’Create a new account“
- Insert your name, surname and email address and click REGISTER
- An email with the activation link will be sent to your inbox. Please also check the spam folder if you don’t find the email in your inbox.
- In the email, please click on “Activate Account”. The link will take you to the login website.
- Please insert your username (email address) and password (please copy/paste the password you received in the email).
- Click ’’ENTER’’ to log into your EQPR account.
Then you must start completing your profile with all the information needed. An important part is the ‘’Documents’’ where you have to upload your refugee status certificate, identity documents, consent form (you can find it in the platform), photograph or any other documents needed.
A crucial part of your application is the ‘’Questionnaire’’. It is a very detailed questionnaire related to your educational pathways. This one you have to download on your computer, fill it in carefully and with as many details as you remember and then upload it again to your profile. The questionnaire is available now in English, Arabic and French.
Now you can start your application by clicking the tab ‘’My application’’.
If and where possible, under the ’’OPTIONAL DOCUMENTS“ section of your application, please upload any documentation you consider relevant for evaluating your qualification, such as a degree certificate, transcript of records, graduation diploma, language or other relevant certificates, student ID, thesis/research work, CV etc., and then click on «CONFIRM».
Finally, when all the necessary documents have been added, please click on ’’SEND REQUEST“.
Your application has now been submitted. The status of the application can be viewed in the section ’’MY PROCEDURE“ on the home page. You will receive a notification by email when a change is made.
After your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by the Council of Europe regarding further steps.
If the questionnaire is accepted, in the following weeks, you will be contacted to take an interview with a team of credential evaluators. The interview itself takes between 45 minutes to one hour, after which a decision on whether to issue the document is made. The interview is conducted in the native language or instruction language.
If the decision is positive, the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees is issued in your name and is valid for five years from the date of issue.
For any further information, you can contact: refugees.qualifications@coe.int. or visit the website
The questionnaire exists in English, Arabic and French. You can download it here in English, here in Arabic, and here in French.
To fill out the questionnaire:
- Download it.
- Fully answer every question.
- Add a passport-type photo.
- Save the file, attach your questionnaire to an email and send it to refugees.qualifications@coe.int.
If you have trouble filling in the questionnaire on a computer file, you can:
- Print it out.
- Answer every question.
- Scan all the pages of your completed questionnaire, in a single file.
- Attach your questionnaire to an email and send it to refugees.qualifications@coe.int.
If you have any documentation (for example, a degree certificate, transcript, graduation diploma, student ID, thesis, research work or CV), attach it to the email, too.
Don't worry if you don't have any documents — you don't need any to apply.
Who are the interviewers?
You will be interviewed by two qualified and experienced evaluators online.
- One will be an expert from the Greek Ministry of Education.
- The other will be an education expert who speaks either Arabic or Dari/Farsi, depending on your language, and who understands the education system in your home country.
What will the interview be like?
The Council of Europe says the interview will be like a friendly conversation. It will be 45 to 60 minutes long and it will be online.
How will I know if my interview was a success?
You will immediately know whether you will receive a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees. If your interview is successful, your document will be issued 5 to 10 days later.
*Photos: Council of Europe