
*The following process also applies to Ukrainian nationals that have been rejected and haven’t obtained the Temporary Protection status.


What is fingerprinting, and why do I need to do this process?

Your fingerprints are used to keep track of:

  • Where you enter Europe
  • Where in Europe you asked for asylum

Your fingerprints are entered into the European Central Database, or Eurodac, which helps determine which European country is responsible for examining your application under an agreement called Dublin III. Eurodac usually keeps fingerprint information for about 10 years.

Greece will fingerprint you:

  • When you get your police note
  • When you attend your registration appointment
  • For the issuance of residence permit and travel documents after you are granted international protection

You cannot apply for Family Reunification or asylum in Greece without giving your fingerprints.

If you do not give the Greek Asylum Service your fingerprints, your application will be examined under the “accelerated procedure,” which includes much tighter deadlines.

Other European countries may use Eurodac to find out if you first entered Europe via Greece, then ask Greece to take you back under Dublin III.

Once a positive decision is issued and you are issued a residence permit and travel documents you will also have to be fingerprinted.