
Cash assistance program - Greece Cash Alliance helpline

In Greece, the Ministry of Migration and partners coordinate the Cash assistance program and provide cash assistance.

All applicants of international protection who are accommodated in formal accommodation structures for asylum seekers recognized by the Greek Authorities are eligible to be provided with cash assistance. These are open reception facilities, Reception and Identification Centres (RICs), and shelters cooperating with the Ministry. You can apply to be accommodated in one of these accommodation facilities. This requires you to contact a referral agency. Once you are registered as a resident in one of the facilities, you will be eligible for cash assistance.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT For those who do not reside in accommodation facilities managed by the Ministry: The Ministry of migration and asylum announced that people who do not reside in accommodation facilities managed by the Ministry will stop receiving cash assistance.

Learn more about the Greece Cash Alliance helpline and how to apply for the Cash Assistance Program


Access to the welfare system and allowances for refugees in Greece

If you are a recognised refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection, you have the right by law to receive the necessary social assistance under the same conditions as Greek nationals. For more information regarding which allowances you are eligible for and support with the application, visit your nearest KEM – Center for Integration of Migrants and Refugees. 

Find your nearest KEP on the Refugee.Info Service Map page by choosing the category "KEM - Center of Integration".


Below you will find general guidelines for the information you will need. Each person’s situation is different, so it is best to check with a social worker or KEM before submitting your application.

Social Solidarity Income

The program is based on three pillars: a) income support, b) interconnection with social inclusion services, and c) interconnection with services aimed at the integration or reintegration of beneficiaries into the labour market and social reintegration.

For the application, you will need the following documents:

  • Consent form for all the adult members of your household with original signatures (can be obtained at a KEP or KEA office)
  • Proof of your residence
  • Your residence permit
  • Your E1 tax declaration (ekatharistiko in Greek)
  • If you have minor children, you will need proof that you have their guardianship (birth certificate, family booklet), their AMKA, AFM and a document from the school confirming their attendance.
  • Copy of your Bank account details document, which includes your IBAN and name
  • Your email
  • DIPA (OAED) Unemployment Card
  • Your mobile number
  • If you have a disability, you must also have a certificate from Centre of Disability Accreditation/ KE.P.A.
  • Your electricity bill from the last 6 months
  • For single parents, you must have divorce papers, or a document certifying that you have guardianship of your children.

Public service call center for residents of the Municipality of Athens: 210-5210623

Housing/Rent Allowance

The application for Housing/Rent allowance is submitted via TaxisNet or you can do the process at your nearest KEA office of the Municipality of Athens. The beneficiary must reside legally and permanently in Greece during the last five (5) years, as it results from the submission of income tax returns (provided that they have not been submitted at a date later than the acquisition of the VAT number), the residence permit or any other appropriate supporting documents for those years. A five-year stay is a prerequisite for the applicant, not for the other adult household members, for whom there is an obligation to file an income tax return for the last year.

For the application, you will need the following documents:

  • Consent form for all the adult members of your household with original signatures (can be obtained at a KEP or KEA office)
  • Rental contract which has been valid for at least 6 months before your application
  • Your valid residence permit
  • Your E1 tax declaration (ekatharistiko in Greek)
  • Copy of your Bank account details document, which includes your IBAN and name
  • Your email
  • Your mobile number
  • A recent electricity bill (if it is in the name of your landlord, you should transfer it to your name by the end of the year) For single parents, you must have divorce papers or a document certifying that you have guardianship of your children.

Disability Allowance

If you are a recognised refugee or a beneficiary of subsidiary protection with a valid residence permit, or an applicant of international protection – an asylum seeker with a valid asylum seeker’s card not hosted in a Reception Centre, you may go through an assessment procedure to determine whether you qualify for a disability allowance.

To receive the disability benefit you need to:

With your application, you will need the following documents:

  • A document signed and stamped by your doctor and the certification of the doctor’s signature
  • Your residence permit or asylum seeker’s card
  • Your health booklet, if you are insured
  • Your social security number (AMKA)

You will be informed of your appointment with the Health Committee ((usually by phone call) and after this appointment, you will be informed about the final decision and your disability ‘rating’ after almost 2 months. A rating of 67% is required for persons with disabilities, and 50% for HIV-positive persons, to qualify for an allowance. If you do not agree with the assessment and rating, you have the right to submit an objection within 10 days of notification. Note that you will need legal advice and support from an NGO in your location to submit an objection.

Following the final decision, you will need to submit an application to the municipal services of your area.

For this submission, you will need the following:

  • The decision of KE.P.A.
  • Your valid residence permit or asylum seeker’s card
  • Your tax declaration (ekatharistiko in Greek)
  • Proof of your residence
  • Bank account details

The amount of the disability benefit varies, depending on the type of disability, and it is regularly adjusted. You will receive it every two months. If you face difficulties with your application, you may ask for support from an NGO in your location.

Find more about Disability allowance here.

Big Families allowance

If you are a recognised refugee with a valid residence permit and you have legally and permanently lived in Greece for more than ten years, together with your children, you may apply for a special allowance for big families.

Find more information about Big Families allowance

Allowance for elder people (over 67 years old)

If you are a recognized refugee and meet the following criteria, you have the right to a pension for the uninsured elderly.

The criteria to receive this allowance are the following:

  • 67 years old or more;
  • Have a valid residence permit
  • Do not have insurance
  • Are not entitled to a pension from another country
  • Are not entitled to any other allowance in Greece

You may also contact the National Confederation of Disabled People at +30 210 9949837 or send an e-mail to refugees@esaea.gr.

Find more information about the Allowance for elder people

KEA Locations

If you live in Athens and want to submit the application for Housing Allowance, or Social Solidarity Income in person, you can go to the following KEA locations

  • Community Centres Open Weekdays (Monday – Friday) 09.00 – 16.00

Community Centre of the Municipality of Athens Agiou Konstantinou 14 (Αγίου Κωνσταντίνου 14) Tel: 20105210623

Community Centre of the Municipality of Athens Maizonos 44 & Psaron (Μαιζώνος 44 & Ψαρών)

  • Municipal Communities Open Weekdays (Monday – Friday) 08.00 – 15.00

1st Municipal Community: Plateia Heroon 3 (Πλατεία Ηρώων 3), Psyrri, tel: 210 3256825,

2nd Municipal Community: 251 Ymittou (Υμηττού 251) - Pagrati, tel .: 210 7522293, 210 7564795,

3rd Municipal Community: Trion Ierarchon74 (Τριών Ιεραρχών 74)- Petralona, tel .: 210 3427310, 210 3421994

4th Municipal Community: Lenorman & Alexandrias 35 (Λένορμαν & Αλεξανδρείας 35)- Kolonos, tel .: 210 5157553

5th Municipal Community: Patision 237 (Πατησίων 237), tel .: 210 8623320

6th Municipal Community: Thira 31 (Θήρας 31)– Kypseli, tel .: 210 8668162

7th Municipal Community: 59 Panormou (Πανόρμου 59) - Ampelokipi, tel: 210 6998834, 210 6919945