If you are an asylum-seeker or recognized refugee, you can rent an apartment on your own or share an apartment with a friend, but be careful! If you are an asylum-seeker staying in private accommodation, you will no longer be eligible for cash assistance, as it is given only to asylum-seekers residing in refugee camps or other accommodation run by the state.
For more information regarding Ukrainian nationals please check "Accommodation for Ukrainians"
Before being able to rent an apartment on your own, you will need to have a tax number named AFM (Α.Φ.Μ.) to make a contract with the apartment owner. You can learn how to get one here:
Tips to know before renting a house in Greece
You can find an apartment in Greece through real estate agencies, classified advertisements in local newspapers and online, or by word of mouth. The main websites for finding properties in Greece are Xrisi Eykairia and Spitogatos, which are available in English and Greek. If you find an apartment through a real estate agency, you usually have to pay them an amount equal to the rent to the agency when signing the contract.
Prices of rental apartments vary depending on the area. Usually, rental prices are higher in Athens and Thessaloniki than in the rest of Greece. A furnished apartment is more expensive than an unfurnished one. Your rent may not include electricity, water and heating costs. You should know that the water and electricity bills must be transferred to your name according to a specific procedure.
Once you see an apartment advertisement you are interested in, you can call the provided number and request to view the apartment. The owner or a real estate agent will arrange for you to visit the apartment.
It is against the law for landlords to discriminate against you based on your nationality, religion, race, family status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. In that case, you can submit a complaint to the Greek Ombudsman, who is the independent authority competent for monitoring and promoting the implementation of the principle of equal treatment, and you can report the incident to the Racist Violence Recording Network. If you wish to do so, it will be very helpful if you have proof that you have been discriminated against in accessing accommodation, e.g. any written communication, witnesses, etc. If you think you might have been discriminated against, you can contact us for further guidance.
Signing the contract
If you wish to rent the apartment, a private contract agreement describing the terms between the apartment owner and yourself will need to be signed. Any changes to the initial lease terms should be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.
After signing the contract, the owner must upload the contract to the TAXISnet website (the electronic tax office database) to formalize the procedure. In your turn, you should accept the contract agreement by signing in to your account at the TAXISnet website.
Duration of the contract
Regardless of the duration of the lease agreed upon in the contract (e.g. 1 or 2 years), you have the right to stay in the house for up to 3 years, according to the law, provided that you fulfil your obligations properly, meaning that you always pay the rent on time, you take care of the house as agreed with the landlord and you do not create significant problems for the neighbours.
Security Deposit
Usually, a security deposit of up to 2 rents must be paid in advance. The security deposit amount should be mentioned in the private contract agreement that both parties will sign and should be refunded at the end of the lease if there is no reason to withhold it. Reasons for withholding the deposit may include unpaid rent, unpaid utility bills or damage to the property beyond the natural and expected deterioration of a property over time due to normal, everyday use. You are advised to document any existing damages in the apartment before renting it (such as taking photographs or making a detailed list). This is important to avoid being held responsible for damage already present and not caused by your use of the property. Additionally, it is a good idea to have this documentation agreed upon by the landlord so there is mutual agreement regarding the apartment's condition at the beginning of the lease.
Property Condition
The landlord is obligated to give you the apartment in a condition suitable for use and to maintain it in that condition throughout the contract period.
You are not responsible for damage caused by regular use of the apartment. The landlord is responsible for this damage, including repairs for plumbing, doors, roof, electrical systems, heating, water heaters, etc. Always make sure to report such damages promptly and ideally in writing.
Rent Increases
Rent increases are not allowed during the contract period unless explicitly mentioned in the contract. Both parties must agree upon any increase, and in this case, the contract should be amended.
Tenant Rights and Obligations
You have the right to stay in the property as long as you fulfil your obligations, such as paying rent on time and not causing damage to the apartment or creating problems with other residents (excessive noise, etc).
The landlord cannot evict you without proper notice or if you are meeting your rental obligations.
Termination of the contract
The landlord can terminate the contract if you do not properly use the apartment, as agreed, and/or delay paying the rent.
Fixed-Term Lease: The lease ends automatically at the end of the agreed period unless renewed. Early termination may require compensation or agreement from both parties.
Indefinite Lease: Either party can terminate with proper notice, which depends on the terms outlined in the contract or specified by law.
What if the apartment is sold during the contract period?
If the landlord shells the apartment during the contract period, the new owner cannot terminate the lease unless you have agreed differently when signing the contract.
Important Note:
Every situation is different, so it is advisable to seek professional advice if facing any issues with your lease. Always pay attention to what you are signing, both when agreeing and throughout its duration.
Beneficiaries of international or subsidiary protection who reside legally in Greece for 5 continuous years might be eligible for the housing/rent allowance, please check our article here for more information.
Cover photo: Christos Tolis / UNHCR