
If you have lived continuously in Greece for five years and hold a residence permit, you may be eligible for long-term resident status.

This residence permit allows you to move to and reside in other EU countries for more than three months, for instance, for work or studies. However, please note that the right to mobility is not automatic and is subject to several conditions, such as labour market needs in the specific EU country.)

As a long-term resident, you will enjoy the same rights as nationals regarding access to employment and self-employment, education and vocational training, and tax benefits. 

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must meet specific requirements to qualify for long-term resident status in Greece. These criteria ensure that residents are well-integrated and financially stable, contributing positively to Greek society. Below are the detailed eligibility criteria you need to fulfil:

- Continuous lawful residence: You must have been residing lawfully in Greece for five consecutive years before submitting your application.

 Please note the below:

  • If you are a beneficiary of international protection, only half of the period between the lodging of your asylum application and the grant of protection counts towards the 5-year residence period. However, if the asylum procedure exceeds 18 months, the entire period is included.
  • If you are an asylum seeker with a pending application, you are not eligible to apply for a long-term residence permit. 
  • You should not have been absent from Greece for more than six consecutive months and ten months in total within five years. 

- Sufficient income: You must have sufficient income to support yourself and your family without relying on the country's social assistance system. Your income should be at least equal to the annual income of a minimum-wage employee. If you have a family, this required income increases by 10 %. We advise you to always verify your required income with the competent Migration Service before applying, as the minimum wage often changes.

- Health Insurance: You must have full health insurance, which provides all the benefits provided for the equivalent category of insured nationals and also covers your family members. 

- Integration into Greek society: You must demonstrate that you are integrated into Greek culture through the duration of your residency in Greece or your language skills and education. Please check the "Documents required" section below for more details. 

Required Documents

- Photocopy of Passports/Travel Documents: Include photocopies of all the pages of all passports or travel documents used in the last five years. 

- Photocopy of Residence Permit: Provide a photocopy of your current residence permit.

- Insurance Certificate:  Submit a certificate of insurance from EFKA or a certificate of private insurance

- Personal Income Tax Return: Provide your most recent Personal Income Tax Return ("ekatharistiko"") showing an income equal to at least the annual minimum wage of an employee. If you have a family, the required income increases by 10 %.

- House contract: Include a copy of your current house contract.

- Proof of Integration into Greek Society: Submit one of the following documents: 

  • Evidence of legal residence in Greece for at least 12 years.
  • Greek Language Certificate Level B1 or A2 and details of Greek history and culture issued by the Secretariat.
  • Certificate of graduation from a Greek high school.
  • Certificate of graduation from high schools abroad belonging to the Greek education system.
  • Recognized degree from a Greek language department of a foreign university.
  • Permanent residence card as a family member of a Greek citizen. 
  • The decision from the Naturalization Committee.

- Administrative fee of 150 euros: Issue the administrative fee (""paravolo"" in Greek)online using the code ""2107""  or visit a KEP office for this process. Once you do this online or at a KEP office you will need to pay at the bank this amount and keep the receipt or pay it via Web Banking and print the proof of the transaction. 

- An administrative fee of 16 euros: Issue the paravolo (administrative fee) online here using the code "2119 " or visit a KEP office for this process. Once you do this online or at a KEP office you will need to pay at the bank this amount and keep the receipt or pay it via Web Banking and print the proof of the transaction. 

- AMKA number:  Provide your AMKA (Social Security) number. 

- Proof of birth location: If your exact place of birth is not mentioned in your passport, you will need an official document stating your place of birth in English, such as a . birth certificate, officially validated and translated. 

You can find the list of documents required at the Ministry of Migration Website by clicking on the category "LONG TERM RESIDENCE PERMIT (Law 4251/14)" and then-->" INITIAL LONG-TERM RESIDENCE PERMIT (Law 4251/14)"

How to Apply

You can apply for a long-term residence permit via the Ministry of Migration's platform. 

Duration of Long-Term Residence Permit

The long-term residence permit is valid for five years and can be renewed for another five-year period each time. 

Beneficiaries of International Protection

If you are a beneficiary of international protection, you will not lose your refugee or subsidiary protection status by applying for a long-term residence permit. However, once the long-term residence permit is issued and you receive it, you must hand over the international protection residence permit, which will then become invalid. Your status as a beneficiary of international protection will be noted on the long-term residence permit that you receive.  

In case of cessation, revocation or non-renewal of your refugee or subsidiary protection status, you will also lose the long-term resident status.